Publication Procedure


There are several essential things that the Editor-in-Chief will emphasize regarding the publication procedure at Pusaka: Journal of Tourism, Hospitality, Travel and Business Event, including the following:

  • Each Author must read all the information contained in the Publication menu;
  • Each Author must adapt his manuscript to the Template and be written in standard Indonesian or standard English;
  • Each Correspondent Author submits the manuscript by clicking new submission on the dashboard page;
  • Each Author must know that a manuscript with 0% plagiarism checking results and a maximum of 30% similarity checking results is one of the requirements to proceed to the manuscript review stage;
  • Each Author must ensure that the manuscript is declared worthy of publication if it receives a "Letter of Acceptance" via email or WhatsApp chat from the journal publisher's contact;
  • Each Author must make and submit a "Statement of Originality, Copyright, and Open Access" to proceed to the copyediting and production stage of scientific article; and
  • All conditions for submitting manuscripts to the Editor's decision in determining which manuscripts are eligible for publication are on the main page.

If the Author still does not understand the above procedure or has problems operating an account on the journal publisher's OJS dashboard, please have a WhatsApp conversation by clicking the icon on the LIVE CHAT menu.